Scheuchzeriaceae image

Herbs, perennial, rhizomatous, caulescent; turions absent. Leaves alternate, emergent, sessile; sheath with remains often persisting, auriculate; blade linear, nearly cylindric, with conspicuous round pore adaxially on leaf tip; intravaginal squamules hairs, numerous. Inflorescences terminal, bracteate racemes, not subtended by spathe; pedicels following fertilization elongating, not spiraling. Flowers bisexual; subtending bracts present; perianth present; tepals 6; stamens 6, epitepalous; anthers basifixed, distinct, dehiscing longitudinally, extrorse; pollen globose; pistils 3(--6), distinct to slightly connate at base; ovules basal-marginal, anatropous. Fruits follicles. Seeds 1--2(--3).

Scheuchzeriaceae have sometimes been included in Juncaginaceae. That Scheuchzeria represents a family by itself is accepted by the majority of post-1940 workers (J. W. Thieret 1988).