Family: Ericaceae
Ornithostaphylos image
Dean Wm. Taylor  

Shrubs, burled; bark sometimes reddish purple when young, thin, sometimes peeling. Stems erect, rigidly branched, minutely tomentose. Leaves opposite or whorled, bifacial; blade linear to linear-oblong or narrowly lanceolate, coriaceous, margins entire, revolute, abaxial surface minutely tomentose, adaxial glabrous. Inflorescences panicles, 10-20-flowered. Flowers bisexual; sepals persistent, (4-)5, connate to 1/2 their lengths, triangular; petals (4-)5, connate 2/3-3/4 their lengths, white, corolla nearly globose to urceolate (sometimes widest proximally); stamens 8-10, included, (equal); filaments dilated near base; anthers with awns, dehiscent by 2 slits; ovary 5-locular; stigma slightly capitate. Drupes brown or reddish brown, globose or nearly so, dry, smooth; pyrenes 5, connate into solid, globose endocarp. Seeds 10, connate.