Galeandra Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
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Herbs, terrestrial [epiphytic], cespitose. Stems reedlike or more often pseudobulbs. Leaves 1-2 [several], not articulate [articulate], plicate, absent [present] at flowering. Inflorescences terminal, racemes, erect [lightly arching to pendent]; floral bracts lanceolate, scarious. Flowers resupinate, showy; sepals and petals membranaceous; lip sessile, simple [obscurely 2-3-lobate], base with conspicuous spur adnate to column foot, margins tomentose [glabrous]; spur shortly conic [sometimes apically recurved, funnel-shaped]; disc basally 2[-4]-keeled; column lightly arcuate, shallowly winged, semiterete, produced into conspicuous foot; anther terminal, incumbent, operculate, imperfectly 2-locular; pollinia 2, yellow, nearly spheric, cartilaginous. Fruits capsules.

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