Family: Tofieldiaceae
not available

Herbs, perennial, from slender, nodose rhizomes with scarious scale leaves. Stems erect, simple, bracteate; bracts 2-5, much reduced, widely spaced, chaffy. Leaves basal, equitant, simple, sheathing; blade unifacial, striate, stiff; sheath margin scarious. Inflorescences terminal, erect, 1-flowered, bracteolate; bracteoles (2-)3(-4), in epicalyx, distinct, deltate-rhombic, small. Flowers: tepals persistent, 6, spreading, erect in fruit, distinct, oblanceolate, apex acute; stamens 6, hypogynous; filaments distinct; anthers basifixed, linear-lanceolate, with short appendages, introrse; gynoecium 3(-6)-carpellate, distally apocarpous; ovary superior, sessile, tuberculate; intercarpellary nectary present; styles 3(-6), slightly recurved; stigmas capitate. Fruits capsular, ellipsoid, prominently tuberculate, subtended by persistent tepals, dehiscence septicidal, then adaxially loculicidal. Seeds pale yellow, narrowly fusiform, straight or curved, short-appendaged at both ends. x = 15, 16.

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