Family: Orchidaceae
not available

Herbs, epiphytic. Roots fibrous. Stems erect, slender; sheaths enclosing stems, ± imbricate, ribbed, tubular, dilated at mouth, ± ciliate or scabrous on ribs and margin of mouth. Leaves 1, erect, subsessile; blade elliptic, leathery. Inflorescences terminal, 1-several-clustered racemes, distichous. Flowers opening simultaneously; sepals unequal; lateral sepals variously connate, membranous, glabrous [pubescent]; lip usually simple [3-lobed], not callous, base inflexibly attached to obsolete column foot; column short, broad, wingless, column foot rudimentary, apex hooded; anther apical; pollinia 2, free or adnate to common viscidium, obovoid; ovary articulate with minute, curved pedicel; stigma apical, 2-lobed; rostellum apical. Fruits capsules, deciduous at pedicel (ca. 1 mm), ovoid, 3-valved.

not available
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