Mimulus moschatus Douglas ex Lindl.
Family: Phrymaceae
not available

Villous and viscid, musk-scented; stems creeping at base, with ascending tips, 2-4 dm; lvs thin, petioled, ovate or lance-ovate, 3-6 cm, entire or remotely dentate, rounded or subcordate at base, pinnately veined; pedicels filiform, 1-2 cm; cal 8-11 mm, the throat oblique, the lobes about equal, narrowly triangular, 3-4.5 mm; cor yellow, open in the throat, 17-22 mm; 2n=32. Cool wet soil, especially along brooks and springs; Nf. and Que. to Mich., s. through N.Y. to W.Va., and widespread in the w. cordillera, sometimes escaped from cult. elsewhere in our range. July, Aug.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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