Phacelia dubia (L.) Trel.
Family: Hydrophyllaceae
Small-Flower Scorpion-Weed
not available

Lax annual 1-4 dm, strigose and stipitate- glandular throughout; basal lvs petiolate, 1.5-6 cm, pinnate or pinnatifid with 1-5 pairs of oval to orbicular, entire or toothed lfls or segments; cauline lvs short-petiolate to sessile, usually deeply lobed with 1-4 pairs of lanceolate to ovate acute segments; cor blue to white, rotate-campanulate, 5-10 mm wide, its lobes orbicular, entire, pilose on the back; stamens slightly exserted, the filaments densely villous on the lower 2/3; ovules 4-8; seeds 4-6, brown, 1.5-1.75 mm; 2n=10. Woods, fields, and barrens; c. N.Y., c. Pa. and n. Del. to Ga. and Ala., w. to W.Va. and Tenn. Apr., May.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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