Sanicula canadensis L.
Family: Apiaceae
Canadian Black-Snakeroot
Sanicula canadensis image
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Our most common sanicle. Frequent in all parts of the state except in the northern counties where it is infrequent to rare. Moist or dry woods, usually associated with some species of oak but sometimes in beech and sugar maple woods

Indiana Coefficient of Conservatism: C = 2

Wetland Indicator Status:

Fibrous-rooted biennial; lvs 3-5-parted; bractlets like the bracts but smaller; fls white, the fertile on pedicels 0.5-1 mm, the sterile few, mostly concealed by the fertile; sep subulate, surpassing the pet; anthers white; fr subglobose, on pedicels 1-1.5 mm, the bristles surpassing the inconspicuous styles and about equaling the sep; 2n=16. Woods; Vt. and s. Ont. to Minn. and S.D., s. to Fla. and Tex. June-Aug.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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