Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis A. Gray (redirected from: Senecio fremontii subsp. occidentalis)
Family: Asteraceae
[Senecio fremontii subsp. occidentalis (A. Gray) G.W. Douglas & G. Ruyle-Douglas]
not available

Plants mostly 1-2 dm. Stems arching upward. Leaves (smaller and fewer distally) usually smaller than 4 × 2 cm, bases not clasping, margins toothed or subentire. Heads 2-4(-5). Phyllaries (± 8) ± 13, 5-7(-8) mm.

Flowering summer. Rocky alpine and subalpine sites; 2800-4000 m; Calif., Nev.

Plants of var. occidentalis grow in the southern Cascade Mountains and the Sierra Nevada.