Senna marilandica (L.) Link
Family: Fabaceae
Maryland Wild Sensitive-Plant,  more...
[Cassia marilandica L.,  more...]
Senna marilandica image
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Infrequent in the southern third of the state, becoming rare northward, and probably entirely absent from the northern counties. It is found mostly in low ground along roadsides and in low woodland and alluvial bottoms along streams. This species is often confused with the preceding one [Cassia hebecarpa] from which it is easily separated by the characters given in the key. The pubescence of Cassia marilandica is appressed while that of Cassia hebecarpa is spreading. The plant is a darker green, flowers a little later, and is not as aggressive as the preceding.

Erect perennial, 1-2 m, glabrous or sparsely villous above; stipules lance-linear; petiolar gland short-cylindric or rounded or dome-shaped; lfls commonly 4-8 pairs, oblong or elliptic, 2-5 cm, acute or obtuse, mucronate; infl of several axillary racemes, less floriferous than no. 1 [Senna hebecarpa (Fernald) H. S. Irwin & Barneby]; buds nodding; sep unequal; pet 10-15 mm, slightly dissimilar; ovary appressed-hairy; pods glabrous or with scattered minute incurved hairs, tardily dehiscent, 6-10 cm נ8-11 mm, the joints about twice as wide as long; seeds nearly twice as long as wide, plump, with depressed center; 2n=28. Moist open woods and streambanks; s. N.Y. to s. Wis. and e. Neb., s. to Fla. and Tex. July, Aug. (Cassia m.; C. medsgeri; Ditremexa medsgeri)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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Senna marilandica image
Senna marilandica image
Steve Hurst  
Senna marilandica image