Castela emoryi (A. Gray) Moran & Felger (redirected from: Holacantha emoryi)
Family: Simaroubaceae
[Holacantha emoryi A. Gray]
Castela emoryi image
L. R. Landrum  

Plant: shrubs or small trees; rigid, intricately branched, to 5 m tall; branchlets all spinose; young parts densely puberulent

Leaves: SEEDLING LEAVES linear to lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long; ADULT LEAVES reduced to scales less that 1 mm long, deciduous early

INFLORESCENCE: STAMINATE INFLORESCENCE a simple, spikelike, stiff panicle 0.5-12 cm long; PISTILLATE INFLORESCENCE a much-branched, conical, crowded, stiff panicle, 1-10 cm long

Flowers: 3-7 mm in diam., (5-)6-8-merous; sepals deltoid, 1-2.5 mm long; petals oblong to ovate-oblong, 2-3.5 mm long; stamens with pubescent filaments, the anthers of pistillate flowers sterile and reduced

Fruit: red to green, tan, or brown, turning black with time, sometimes persisting for years, often densely packed in clusters 10-25 cm long; carpels ovoid but compressed laterally, 6-8 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, 4-8 per flower

Misc: Sonoran Desert plains and dry washes, never abundant; 150-700 m (500-2300 ft); Jun-Jul

REFERENCES: Brasher, Jeffrey W. 1999. Simaroubaceae. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 32(1).

Common Name: crucifixion thorn

Duration: Perennial

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Tree

Synonyms: None

Castela emoryi image
L. R. Landrum  
Castela emoryi image
Castela emoryi image
Castela emoryi image
Castela emoryi image
Castela emoryi image
L. R. Landrum  
Castela emoryi image
L.R. Landrum  
Castela emoryi image
L.R. Landrum  
Castela emoryi image