Verbena officinalis var. officinalis L.
Family: Verbenaceae
[Verbena riparia Raf. ex Small & A. Heller]
not available

Erect annual 6-15 dm, widely branched, sparsely hairy or glabrate; lvs oblong to ovate, 4-14 cm, petiolate, 1-2-pinnatifid or nearly tripartite toward the base, sparsely strigillose, veiny beneath; spikes slender, elongate, paniculately disposed; bracts lance-ovate, equaling the cal at anthesis, acuminate; cal to 3 mm, minutely glandular hairy, subtruncate, the teeth minute; cor light blue, the tube slightly longer than the cal, puberulent, the limb 3.5 mm wide, with rounded lobes (one emarginate); nutlets 2-2.5 mm. Riverbanks; Va. and N.C. June, July. (V. urticifolia var. r.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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