Zephyranthes treatiae S. Watson
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Pineland Zephyr-Lily
[Atamasco treatiae ,  more...]
not available

Leaf blade dull green, to 4 mm wide. Spathe (1.8-)2-3.3(-3.6) cm. Flowers erect to inclined; peri-anth mostly white to pink, color deepening with age, funnelform, (6-)6.6-9.5(-11) cm; perianth tube green, (1.7-)2-3(-3.1) cm, increasing in diam., at least 1/4 perianth length, ± equaling (2/3-11/4) filament length, ca. 2/3-11/3 spathe length; tepals usually reflexed; stamens diverging, appearing equal; filaments filiform, (1.6-)2-4(-4.6) cm; anthers 3-6(-8) mm; style longer than perianth tube; stigma 3-fid, exserted more than 2 mm beyond anthers; pedicel 0-1(-1.2) cm, shorter than spathe. 2n = 24.

Flowering mid winter--spring (Jan--Apr). Peaty-sandy soil, usually associated with wet inlands or former pineland sites; 0--100 m; Fla., Ga.

It has generally been thought that Zephyranthes atamasca and Z. treatiae are distinguishable only by differences in leaves and habitat, and that their flowers are not significantly different. However, the greater length of the perianth tube compared with that of the filaments in Z. treatiae readily separates that species from Z. atamasca.