Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. subcordata (Eastw.) P.V. Wells (redirected from: Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. subcordata)
Family: Ericaceae
[Arctostaphylos subcordata Eastw.,  more...]
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. subcordata image
Dean Wm. Taylor  

Twigs sparsely short-hairy and densely glandular-hairy. Leaf blade surfaces ± finely tomentose, densely glandular-hairy, ± papillate abaxially. Immature inflorescence axes densely glandular-hairy. Ovaries white-hairy, sparsely glandular.

Flowering winter-early spring. Island chaparral; of conservation concern; 100-600 m; Calif.

Subspecies subcordata is known from Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands. Occasional mainland glandular-hairy individuals occur in mixed populations with subsp. crustacea and may key to subsp. subcordata.

Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. subcordata image
Dean Wm. Taylor  
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. subcordata image
Zoya Akulova  
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. subcordata image
Zoya Akulova