Coptis occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray
Family: Ranunculaceae
Idaho Goldthread
[Chrysocoptis occidentalis ]
not available

Rhizomes pale brown. Leaves: blade ternate; leaflets long-petiolulate, blade widely ovate, incised with 2-3 lobes divided ca. 1/2 length to base, margins sharply serrate-denticulate. Inflorescences 2-3(-5)-flowered, often shorter than leaves at anthesis, 10-25 cm, elongating to 32 cm in fruit. Flowers erect; sepals spreading to reflexed, linear-lanceolate, 7-11× 0.4-1 mm; petals linear-lanceolate, nectary nearly basal, blade flattened, narrowly ligulate at apex; stamens 10-35. Follicles 5-15; stipe slightly shorter than body; body oblong, 7.5-14 mm; beak recurved, less than 1 mm. Seeds 2.2-2.6 mm.

Flowering spring. Moist, coniferous woods; 500-2000 m; Idaho, Mont., Wash.