Galenia secunda (L. f.) Sonder
Family: Aizoaceae
not available

Stems prostrate, gray-white, 20-60 cm; younger stems densely clothed with white, loosely appressed scales, 1.5 mm. Leaves crowded; blade gray-white, folded inward, midvein not conspicuous ab-axially, obovate, 1.5-2.2 × 0.7-0.9 cm, apex obtuse and recurved, thick, papillate. Flowers concealed by leaves, usually on short lateral branches; calyx lobes white to yellow adaxially, oblong or lanceolate-oblong, 3 mm, ciliate near apex, hairy abaxially; filaments shorter than calyx lobes; anthers yellow; styles 4(-5). Capsules concealed among leaf bases, persistent. Seeds 4(-5).

Flowering spring-fall. Waste places; 0 m; introduced; Fla., N.J.; Africa; Australia.