Euphorbia platysperma Engelm. ex S. Wats. (redirected from: Chamaesyce platysperma)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
[Chamaesyce platysperma (Engelm. ex S. Wats.) Shinners]
not available

Plant: Annual; stem prostrate, glabrous; sap milky

Leaves: cauline, opposite, short-petioled, 5-10 mm; stipules separate, 2-3-lobed; blade oblong to obovate, glabrous, tip obtuse to rounded, margin entire

INFLORESCENCE: flower-like, generally 1 per node; involucre 1.5-2 mm, bell-shaped, glabrous; gland 1 mm, ovate, glabrous; appendage 0

Flowers: Staminate flowers ± 50, generally in 5 clusters around pistillate flower, each flower a stamen; Pistillate flower: 1, central, stalked; ovary chambers 3, ovule 1 per chamber, styles 3, divided to base

Fruit: capsule, < 4.5 mm, widely ovoid, slightly lobed, glabrous; Seed 2.5-3 mm, ovoid, flattened top to bottom, smooth, white

Misc: Sandy soil; < 100 m.; May