Bacopa caroliniana (Walter) B.L. Rob. (redirected from: Hydrotrida caroliniana)
Family: Plantaginaceae
[Bacopa amplexicaulis (Pursh) Wattst.,  more...]
Bacopa caroliniana image

Plants lemon-scented; stems creeping or floating, smooth below, villous distally; lvs ovate, obtuse, broadly rounded to subcordate at base, 1-2.5 cm, crenate, palmately 5-9- veined; fls solitary from some upper nodes on pedicels 5-15 mm; cal subtended by a pair of minute bractlets 1-2 mm; sep glandular-punctate, the upper one broadly ovate-cordate, ca 8 mm; cor blue, campanulate, 1 cm, pubescent within, the 5 lobes a little shorter than the tube, the 2 upper united half-length; ovary surrounded by a circle of short bristles; stigma one, shallowly bilobed. Wet shores and shallow water; se. Va. to Fla. and Tex.; disjunct in Ky. All summer. (Hydrotida c.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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