Elymus elymoides subsp. brevifolius
Notes: Phytologia 83(4): 305. 1998 [Oct 1997 publ. 30 sep 1998]
Family: Poaceae
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[Elymus brevifolius (J.G. Sm.) M.E. Jones,  more...]
Elymus elymoides subsp. brevifolius image

Culms 25-65(77) cm, erect. Blades usually puberulent abaxially, sometimes glabrous. Spikes 7-20 cm, usually exserted, usually with 2 spikelets per node. Spikelets with (1)2-4(5) florets, lowermost floret functional. Glume awns 50-125 mm, entire; lemma awns 50-120 mm; paleas rarely with the veins extended as bristles.

Elymus elymoides subsp. brevifolius has a wide ecological and elevation range, extending from the arid Sonoran Desert to subalpine habitats, from 600-3500 m. It extends further south than the other subspecies, into northern Mexico , and is rare in Canada .