Lycopodiella prostrata (Harper) Cranfill (redirected from: Lycopodium alopecuroides var. pinnatum)
Family: Lycopodiaceae
[Lycopodium alopecuroides var. pinnatum (Chapm.) Lloyd & Underw. ex C.A. Brown & Correll,  more...]
not available

Horizontal stems flat on ground, 10--45 X 1.2--1.9 cm; stems (excluding leaves) 1--1.5 mm diam.; leaves dimorphic, upperside leaves smaller, 4--5 X 0.4--0.6 mm, ascending; lateral leaves horizontal, perpendicular to stem to slightly reflexed, 7--8 X 0.7--1.8 mm, marginal teeth 1--10 per side, mostly in proximal 1/2, with many basal teeth. Peduncles 1(--2) per plant, 18--35 X 0.5--0.9 cm; strobilus 1/4--1/10 total length; leaves appressed to ascending, 5--8 X 0.3--0.6 mm, marginal teeth 1--4 per side. Strobili 50--80 X 15--19 mm. Sporophylls spreading to somewhat ascending (sometimes reflexed at maturity), 7--9 X 0.3--0.5 cm, marginal teeth 1--5 per side. 2 n = 156.

Roadside ditches, wet pine barrens; 0--50 m; Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tex.

Sterile stems prostrate throughout (though not rooting proximally), mostly 1-1.5(-2) mm thick (excl. lvs), many of the lvs tending to spread laterally from the axis, parallel to the ground; cones 4-8 cm; otherwise much like no. 4 [Lycopodium alopecuroides L.]. Open, moist or wet places, and open wet coniferous woods, mainly on the coastal plain; N.C. to Fla. and Tex., and up the Mississippi embayment to w. Ky.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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