Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching (redirected from: Lycopodium selago subsp. chinense)
Family: Lycopodiaceae
[Huperzia chinensis (Christ) Czern.,  more...]
not available

Shoots erect, determinate, 12--18(--25) cm, clustered to long-decumbent, to 8 cm; leaves in mature portion smaller than leaves in juvenile portion; annual constrictions absent; juvenile growth sharply down-curled forming ± 1/2 circle, leaves at tip appressed to form pointed apex. Leaves in juvenile (proximal) portion spreading-reflexed (shade) to appressed-ascending (sun), in mature (distal) portion spreading-ascending (shade) to appressed-ascending (sun), light green to yellow, lustrous; leaves in juvenile portion narrowly lanceolate, parallel-sided, 4.5--7 mm; leaves in mature portion triangular, widest at base, 3.5--5.5 mm; margins entire; stomates present on both surfaces, numerous, 35--80 per 1/2 leaf on adaxial surface. Gemmiferous branchlets produced in 2--3 pseudowhorls at end of annual growth; gemmae 3.5--5 X 3--4 mm, lateral leaves 1.25--1.75 mm wide, acute with acuminate tip. Spores 25--34 µm.

On rock or terrestrial on moss-covered boulders in talus slopes, cliffs, near waterfalls, marshes in conifer forest; 0--1600(--1800) m; B.C., Nfld.; Alaska, Wash.; Asia in Japan, Korea, Siberia.