Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. platyphyllus A. Gray
Family: Ranunculaceae
[Ranunculus orthorhynchus subsp. platyphyllus (A. Gray) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde,  more...]
not available

Basal leaf blades ovate to semicircular in outline, 3-5-foliolate, leaflets 1×-lobed or -parted, segments narrowly elliptic to linear, margins dentate or dentate-lobulate, apex obtuse to narrowly acute. Flowers: petals abaxially yellow, 7-11 mm broad, rounded. Heads of achenes globose or ovoid, 8-13 mm; beak 2-3 mm. 2 n = 32.

Flowering late winter-summer (Mar-Aug). Meadows and marshy areas; 0-2700 m; B.C.; Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Utah, Wash., Wyo.