Cistanthe umbellata (Torr.) Hershkovitz (redirected from: Spraguea umbellata)
Family: Montiaceae
[Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene,  more...]
Cistanthe umbellata image
Dr. G Dallas and Margaret Hanna  

Plants perennial, taprooted; caudex branching. Stems 1 from each rosette, ascending to erect, to 60 cm. Leaves: basal in 2-many prostrate rosettes, blade spatulate, (0.5-)2-7(-15) cm; cauline leaves usually absent. Inflorescences umbellate or subumbellate, dense, globose, 1-2 cm diam. Flowers subsessile; sepals orbiculate, equal, 3-8 mm, scarious; petals 4, white, 3-8 mm; stamens 3, anther red or yellow; style exserted, filiform; stigmas 2. Capsules globose, 2-3 mm; valves 2. Seeds 1-8, black, orbicular-reniform, 0.7-1.2 mm, shiny. 2n = 44.

Flowering May-Oct. Dry sandy or gravelly soils; 1500-4300 m; B.C.; Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Utah, Wash., Wyo.

Cistanthe umbellata image
Dr. G Dallas and Margaret Hanna  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
William R. Hewlett  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Robert Potts  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Charles Webber  
Cistanthe umbellata image
Dean Wm. Taylor