Bolandra oregana S. Watson (redirected from: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis)
Family: Saxifragaceae
[Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis M. Peck]
not available

Leaves: petiole 3-15 cm; blade shallowly lobed, 2-7 cm, ultimate margins serrate. Inflorescences 6-18-flowered, 16-40 cm, stipitate-glandular; bracts subtending pedicels conspicuous, auriculate. Flow-ers: hypanthium campanulate-urceolate, 5-10 mm, glabrous; sepals 6-10 mm, apex long-acuminate; petals usually reddish purple to dark purple, narrowly lanceolate, unlobed, 7-12(-14) mm, apex long-tapered; stamens included, 2 mm; ovaries connate proximally 1/4 their lengths; styles barely exserted, 2 mm; stigmas distinct. Capsules brown, ovoid, 8-9 mm. Seeds 100-125, 0.7-9 mm. 2n = 14.

Flowering May-Jul. Wet, shaded, rocky crevices and cliffs, usually near water courses; 0-1400 m; Idaho, Oreg., Wash.

Bolandra oregana is found in northern Oregon and southern Washington in the vicinity of the Columbia River gorge and in the Snake River region of eastern Oregon and Idaho.