Porterella carnosula (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. (redirected from: Porterella eximia)
Family: Campanulaceae
[Lobelia carnosula ,  more...]
Porterella carnosula image
Gary A. Monroe  

Plant: Annual 2-30 cm, emergent or terrestrial, glabrous; stem erect, branched from base or not

Leaves: cauline, sessile; blade (5)12-15 mm, (1)3-5 mm wide, narrowly ovate (aerial) to narrowly triangular (submersed), entire, sometimes few-toothed

INFLORESCENCE: raceme; bract 1 per flower, leaf-like, ascending; pedicels in fruit 1-3 cm

Flowers: bisexual, inverted, fragrant; hypanthium 1-2.5 mm; sepals = or > fruit, narrowly triangular; corolla tube 4-5 mm, linear, blue, throat with 2 folds, yellow, limb 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lobes 1-2 mm, narrowly triangular, erect, deep blue, lower lip 3-lobed, lobes 3-8 mm, ± round, spreading, blue, base yellow or white; stamens fused, anthers ± 2 mm, 2 short anthers appendaged, horn-like appendage ± 0.5 mm, comb-like appendage 4-pronged; ovary 2-chambered, stigma cup- or plate-like, papillate

Fruit: capsule, 5-10 mm, hemispheric to cylindric; tip conic, dehiscing by valves; Seed 1 mm, smooth, fine striate

Misc: Moist, grassy roadsides, lake and pond edges; 1500-3100 m.; Jun-Aug

Porterella carnosula image
Gary A. Monroe  
Porterella carnosula image
Gary A. Monroe  
Porterella carnosula image
Gary A. Monroe  
Porterella carnosula image
Gary A. Monroe