Cotula coronopifolia L.
Family: Asteraceae
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Cotula coronopifolia image
Keir Morse  

Perennials, (3-)5-15(-25+) cm tall or across. Stems prostrate (rooting at nodes, ± fleshy) to decumbent or erect, glabrous. Leaves sessile (bases sheathing stems); blades linear to lanceolate or oblong (sometimes lobed, lobes lanceolate to linear), (1-)2-3(-7) cm, ultimate margins entire or irregularly toothed or lobed, faces gland-dotted. Involucres 6-9(-12+) mm diam. Phyllaries 21-30+ in 2-3+ series. Ray florets 0 (peripheral pistillate florets 12-40+ in 1 series; corollas 0). Disc corollas yellow, 1-1.5 mm. Cypselae: outer 1.2-1.8 mm, winged, adaxial faces papillate; inner 0.7-1 mm, scarcely, if at all, winged, not papillate. 2n = 20.

Flowering Mar-Dec. Saline and freshwater marshes, along streams; 0-900 m; presumed introduced; B.C., N.B., N.S., P.E.I., Que.; Alaska, Ariz., Calif., Md., Mass., Nev., Oreg., Wash.; S Africa, Australia; also introduced in Mexico (Baja California); South America; Europe.

Essentially glabrous, somewhat succulent perennial 5-30 cm tall, often trailing; lvs sessile, with subscarious sheathing base, entire or with a few coarse teeth or deep narrow lobes, narrowly oblong or lanceolate to linear, 1-6 cm נ1-10 mm, or broader when lobed; heads solitary at the ends of the branches; disk 5-11 mm wide; pistillate fls in a single series, without cor; achenes of the outer fls broadly winged, shorter than the stipe, the others merely 2-nerved, short-stipitate, the stipes persistent on the receptacle; 2n=20. Tidal flats, wet meadows, and other moist places; native of S. Afr., occasionally found from Que. to Mass. in our range. July-Aug.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Cotula coronopifolia image
Keir Morse  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Gary A. Monroe  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Keir Morse  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Keir Morse  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  
Cotula coronopifolia image
F. Albert Ellis  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Albert P. Bekker  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Charles Webber  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Zoya Akulova  
Cotula coronopifolia image
Gary A. Monroe