Nemacladus rubescens Greene (redirected from: Nemacladus rubescens var. rubescens)
Family: Campanulaceae
[Nemacladus rubescens var. rubescens ]
Nemacladus rubescens image
© 2013 John Game  

Plant: Annual; roots fibrous; stems erect, 5-20 cm; base shiny, silver-gray

Leaves: basal; 5-20 mm, elliptic to oblanceolate, narrowed abruptly to winged petiole, entire, toothed, or ± pinnately lobed, glabrous or coarsely hairy

INFLORESCENCE: ± raceme-like; axis weakly zigzag; bracts 1-2.5 mm, widely lanceolate, 1 per flower; pedicels 8-15 mm, 0.1-0.2 mm diam, horizontal to ascending, slightly S-curved, tip slightly curved or not

Flowers: bisexual, inverted; hypanthium 0.2-0.3 mm; sepals ± 1 mm, elliptic to deltate, erect; corolla 1.5-2 mm, divided > 1/2 length, yellow with purple or brown marks, upper lobes reflexed, slightly ciliate, lower lobes erect, purple-tipped, densely ciliate; filament tube 2-3 mm, straight or tip slightly curved, anthers 0.6 mm; ovary 1/4-1/2 inferior

Fruit: capsule, 2-2.5 mm, ± bell-shaped (base narrowed, tip rounded); dehiscing at tip by 2 valves; chambers 2; Seed 0.4 mm, widely elliptic; surface with wavy ridges alternating with weakly pitted rows

Misc: Dry, sandy or gravelly soils; < 1600 m.; Apr-May

Nemacladus rubescens image
© 2013 John Game  
Nemacladus rubescens image
Nemacladus rubescens image
© 2012 Keir Morse  
Nemacladus rubescens image
Nemacladus rubescens image
© 2013 Keir Morse