Conopholis alpina var. mexicana (A. Gray ex S. Watson) R. R. Haynes (redirected from: Orobanche multiflora var. xanthochroa)
Family: Orobanchaceae
[Conopholis mexicana Gray ex S. Wats.,  more...]
Conopholis alpina var. mexicana image

Conopholis alpina var. mexicana is yellowish-white with brown highlights. The flowers are cream colored and the bracts underneath them are brown. The corolla is tubular and bilabiate. The stamens and pistil are hard to see and included in the corolla tube. Conopholis alpina var. mexicana grows as a clump of several stems usually under Ponderosa Pine in the Gila National Forest. It rarely is taller than six or eight inches, and the clumps are frequently wider than they are tall. The fruit of Conopholis alpina var. mexicana is single celled, topped by a peristent style. The fruit contains hundreds of small seeds.