Dalea exigua Barneby
Family: Fabaceae
Chihuahuan prairie clover,  more...
[Petalostemon exilis A. Gray]
not available

Duration: Annual

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Forb/Herb

General: Annual with landular-punctate herbs or shrubs, generally low-growing, erect to somewhat prostrate.

Leaves: Odd-pinnate leaves,

Flowers: Small with clawed petals, stamens 9-10, calyx 5-toothed, persistent.

Fruits: Small, indehiscent pods

Ecology: Found from 0,000-0,000 ft (1111-1111 m); flowering May-May.

Ethnobotany: There is no specific use of this species, but the genus was used for food.

Etymology: Dalea is named after Samuel Dale (1659-1739), an English physician, botanist and botanical collector, and gardener who was the author of several botanical works and a treatise on medicinal plants, while

Synonyms: Kuhnistera exilis, Petalostemon exilis

Editor: SBuckley 2010