Passiflora arida (Mast. and Rose) Killip (redirected from: Passiflora foetida var. arida)
Family: Passifloraceae
[Passiflora foetida var. arida Mast. & Rose]
Passiflora arida image

PLANT: Prostrate vine 1-3 m long, very densely pale lanate throughout, and without apparent glandular trichomes.

LEAVES: palmately 3-5 lobed, the margins obscurely serrate, not ciliate; petiole without obvious gland tipped cilia; stipules cleft to near base into several nonglandular segments, one much longer than the others.

BRACTS: ca. 20-30 mm long, 12-25 mm wide, lanate, deeply bipinnatifid, the segments or teeth not obviously glandular tipped.

FLOWERS: ca 4 cm in diameter, whitish, the corona violet and white; sepals subequal to or slightly shorter than petals; coronal filaments in ca. 6 series, the outermost 10-14 mm long, the inner ca. 4 series 2 mm or less long; ovary pilose.

FRUITS: ca. 2-3 cm in diameter, subglobose or widely ellipsoid, greenish, yellowish, or brown.

SEEDS: ca. 3.8-4.6 mm long, 2.0-2.2 mm wide, pitted, apically 1-3-dentate.

NOTES: Pima co.; 900 m (2950 ft); Jun-Oct (fr. Jul-Oct); Son. to Baja Calif., Mex. —An apparent recent introduction, this is naturalized in the Tucson area.

REFERENCES: MacDougal, John M. 2001. Passifloraceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 33(1).

Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image
Passiflora arida image