Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv.
Family: Poaceae
sweetgrass,  more...
Hierochloe odorata image

Vigorously rhizomatous; culms usually 3-6 dm, their sheaths few, elongate, bladeless or with lanceolate blades rarely over 3 cm; panicle pyramidal, 5-10 cm, with widely spreading or somewhat drooping branches; glumes shiny, ovate, 4-6 mm; staminate lemmas equaling the glumes or slightly shorter, often hairy on the back, awnless, sharply acute; fertile lemma shorter, hairy at the tip; 2n=28, 42, 56. Often apomictic or infertile. Moist soil, meadows, or bog-margins; circumboreal, s. to N.J., Md., O., Io., and Ariz. (H. nashii)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Hierochloe odorata image
Zoya Akulova  
Hierochloe odorata image
Zoya Akulova