Phemeranthus humilis (Greene) Kiger
Family: Montiaceae
Pinos Altos False Fameflower,  more...
[Talinum humile Greene]
Phemeranthus humilis image

Plants subscapose, to 0.8 dm; roots tuberous, turbinate, sometimes forked, fleshy. Stems ± erect, usually simple. Leaves sessile; blade terete, to 8 cm. Inflorescences cymose, over-topped by leaves; peduncle scapelike, to 3 cm. Flowers: sepals deciduous, ovate, 3 mm; petals yellow, elliptic to obovate, 4 mm; stamens usually 5-8; stigma 1, subcapitate. Capsules ellipsoid to subglobose, sometimes trigonous, 4-6 mm. Seeds with arcuate ridges, 1 mm.

Flowering Jun-Sep. Dry, shallow, rocky soil on or near outcrops; of conservation concern; 1600-1800 m; Ariz., N.Mex.; n Mexico.

PLANT: Herbs to 8 cm tall.

ROOTS: tuberous, sometimes forked.

STEMS: usually simple, erect overall, very short.

LEAVES: congested, sessile, terete, to 8 cm long.

INFLORESCENCE: lateral or terminal cymes, erect, overtopped by leaves; peduncles scape-like.

FLOWERS: sepals ovate, ca. 3 mm long, deciduous; petals elliptic to obovate, ca. 4 mm long, yellow; stamens usually 5-8; stigma 1, subcapitate.

CAPSULES: ellipsoid to subglobose, sometimes triquetrous, 4-6 mm long.

SEEDS: with arcuate ridges on sides, ca. 1 mm long.

NOTES: Dry shallow soil on or near rock outcrops: Santa Cruz Co.; ca. 1600 m (ca. 5200 ft); Jul-Aug; sw NM; Chih., D.F., Dgo., Mex.

REFERENCES: Allison Bair, Marissa Howe, Daniela Roth, Robin Taylor, Tina Ayers, and Robert W. Kiger., 2006, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Portulacaceae. CANOTIA 2(1): 1-22.

Phemeranthus humilis image
Phemeranthus humilis image
Ken and Kathy Cook  
Phemeranthus humilis image
Ken and Kathy Cook