Pholisma sonorae (Torr. ex A. Gray) Yatsk.
Family: Boraginaceae
Sandfood,  more...
[Ammobroma sonorae Torr. ex A. Gray]
Pholisma sonorae image
Donald Myrick  

Plant: Annual or perennial root parasites; STEMS 0.5-1.5 m long, 0.5-2 cm in diameter, fleshy, underground, white or brownish

Leaves: scale-like, spirally arranged, linear

INFLORESCENCE: concave, flattened heads

Flowers: with calyx lobes linear, long-tapered, feathery-pubescent with gland-tipped hairs 1-1.5 mm long; corolla pink to purple, the margin white, exterior glabrous; locules of ovary

Fruit: FRUITS capsules with irregularly circumscissile dehiscence, covered by the persistent perianth. SEEDS 1 per locule, in a ring, more-or-less kidney-shaped, flat, brown

Misc: dunes and sandy areas; 50-150 m (100-450 ft); Mar.-Jun

Notes: lacks chlorophyll; tends to parasitize roots of Eriogonum deserticola (Polygonaceae), Tiquilia palmeri and T. plicata (Boraginaceae), Ambrosia dumosa, and Pluchea sericea (Compositae)

REFERENCES: Yatskievych. George. 1994. Lennoaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 27(2), 220-221.

Pholisma sonorae image
Donald Myrick  
Pholisma sonorae image
Donald Myrick  
Pholisma sonorae image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Pholisma sonorae image
Jordan Zylstra  
Pholisma sonorae image
Jordan Zylstra  
Pholisma sonorae image
Jordan Zylstra  
Pholisma sonorae image
Jordan Zylstra