Trifolium fragiferum L.
Family: Fabaceae
strawberry clover,  more...
[Trifolium fragiferum subsp. bonannii (K. Presl) Soják]
Trifolium fragiferum image
Barry Breckling  

Habitally like T. repens; peduncles becoming 8-15 cm; heads globose or ovoid, 10-15 mm thick at anthesis; fls 6-7 mm; cal bilabiate, the upper lip 2-3 mm, half longer than the lower and much more villous, the lobes narrowly linear, 0.7-1 mm; cor rosy; cal at maturity becoming reddish, greatly enlarged, strongly reticulate, and gibbous on the upper side, the lower lip scarcely altered; 2n=16. Native of Eurasia and n. Afr., becoming established as a lawn-weed here and there in our range. Summer.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Trifolium fragiferum image
Barry Breckling  
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Trifolium fragiferum image
Zoya Akulova  
Trifolium fragiferum image
Zoya Akulova