Sparaxis tricolor (Schneev.) Ker-Gawl.
Family: Iridaceae
Three-Color Wandflower
Sparaxis tricolor image
Valter Jacinto  

Plants 10-40 cm. Corms tunicate; tunic with fine, whitish fibers. Leaves several, ± reaching base of spike. Spikes: spathes pale brown with darker brown streaks, subequal, dry, crinkled, outer with entire or lightly lacerate margins, inner forked apically. Tepals bright orange, yellow in center, with heart-shaped yellow mark in proximal 1/3, outlined distally with dark reddish brown band, lanceolate, subequal, 25-33 mm; perianth tube funnel-shaped, ca. 8 mm; stamens symmetrical; filaments contiguous, 6-7 mm; anthers yellow, linear, 8-9 mm; style slender, branching opposite anthers; branches 1-2 mm, expanded apically.

Flowering Mar--Apr. Near gardens, dump sites, abandoned dwellings; 0--100 m; introduced; Calif.; s Africa (winter-rainfall region).

Sparaxis tricolor image
Valter Jacinto  
Sparaxis tricolor image
Valter Jacinto