Oxalis albicans Kunth
Family: Oxalidaceae
Radish-Root Wood-Sorrel,  more...
Oxalis albicans image
Bart and Susan Eisenberg  

Plant: perennial herb; STEMS lax to 40 cm long, decumbent, at least at base, not rooting at the nodes

Leaves: cauline; leaflets 3, to 1.5 cm long, pale green

INFLORESCENCE: 1-3-flowered; pedicel less than 2 cm long

Flowers: perfect, the petals clawed, connate at base; stamens 10; pistil 5-carpelled; styles 5; corollas yellow or orange, 8-12 mm long

Fruit: FRUITS cylindric, 6-18 mm long, fleshy explosive capsules. SEEDS arillate, 1.2-1.7 mm long

REFERENCES: Denton, Melinda. 1998 Oxalidaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 30(2): 115.

Ornduff and Denton (VPAP treatment); Kearny and Peebles 1979

Duration: Perennial

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Subshrub

General: Plant: perennial herb; STEMS lax to 40 cm long, decumbent, at least at base, not rooting at the nodes.

Leaves: Leaves: cauline; leaflets 3, to 1.5 cm long, pale green

Flowers: INFLORESCENCE: 1-3-flowered; pedicel less than 2 cm long Flowers: perfect, the petals clawed, connate at base; stamens 10; pistil 5-carpelled; styles 5; corollas yellow or orange, 8-12 mm long

Fruits: Fruit: FRUITS cylindric, 6-18 mm long, fleshy explosive capsules. SEEDS arillate, 1.2-1.7 mm long

Ecology: Found in moist soil and partial shade, 2,500-6,000 ft; flowers March-November.

Distribution: w TX to AZ and MEX

Editor: hazelton pasted from VPAP

Oxalis albicans image
Bart and Susan Eisenberg  
Oxalis albicans image
Beatrice F. Howitt  
Oxalis albicans image
Bart and Susan Eisenberg  
Oxalis albicans image
Gary A. Monroe