Brickellia chenopodina (Greene) B.L. Robins.
Family: Asteraceae
not available

Perennials, 100-150 cm (bases woody). Stems branched, stipitate-glandular. Leaves alternate; petioles 4-10 mm; blades 3-nerved from bases, rhombic-ovate to lanceolate, 20-50 × 10-40 mm, bases rounded to cuneate, margins entire or irregularly dentate, apices acute, faces glabrous or sparsely gland-dotted. Heads borne singly (terminating lateral branches). Peduncles (leafy) 5-50 mm, stipitate-glandular. Involucres cylindric to campanulate, 8-9 mm. Phyllaries 22-26 in 5-6 series, greenish, often purple-tinged, 3-4-striate, subequal or unequal, margins narrowly scarious; outer lanceolate to lance-ovate (often herbaceous, glandular-hirtellous, equaling or surpassing inner, apices acute to long-attenuate), inner lanceolate to lance-linear (glabrous, apices obtuse to acute). Florets 18-24; corollas pale yellow-green or greenish white, 5-6 mm. Cypselae 2.5-3 mm, strigose; pappi of 30-35 white, smooth or barbellulate bristles. 2n = 18.

Flowering Aug-Oct. Near streams, canyon bottoms; of conservation concern; 1300-1600 m; N.Mex.

Brickellia chenopodina is known only from Grants County; it is similar in most respects to B. floribunda and may be little more than a shade form of the latter, with which it is sympatric.