Leptosiphon aureus (Nutt.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson
Family: Polemoniaceae
Bristly Perennial Gily-Flower
Leptosiphon aureus image

PLANT: Annual, 3-15 cm tall, usually branched throughout; stems ascending, glabrous to pilose or glandular.

LEAVES: 3-5, linear, mucronate, 3-8 mm long, glabrous to glandular.

INFLORESCENCE: open, the flowers 1-3, mostly terminal.

FLOWERS: pedicelled, the filiform pedicels 4-13 mm long; calyx glabrous, campanulate, 3-8 mm long, the lobes equalling the tube, the hyaline membranes as wide as the herbaceous ribs; corolla diurnal, closed at night, rotate, 6-15 mm long, white or bright yellow, the throat maroon to orange, with a ring of hairs between the tube and the throat; stamens inserted on the throat; style slightly exserted.

NOTES: 2 vars.; CA to sw UT, NM and n Mex.

REFERENCES: Dieter H. Wilken and J. Mark Porter, 2005, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Polemoniaceae. CANOTIA 1: 1-37.