Solidago rigida L. (redirected from: Oligoneuron rigidum)
Family: Asteraceae
[Oligoneuron rigidum (L.) Small]
Solidago rigida image

Plants 30-150 cm ; caudices branching, woody. Stems 1-10+, erect, stout, hairy. Leaves: basal and proximal cauline usually present at flowering, abruptly narrowed to long petioles, blades ovate to rhombic, 80-200 × 24-50 mm, firm, flat, margins entire to crenate, sometimes undulate, apices obtuse to acute, faces densely hairy; mid to distal cauline sessile, blades ovate, 30-50 × 15-17 mm, stiff, greatly reduced distally, margins entire or finely serrate, sometimes undulate, apices acute to obtuse. Heads 9-190, in corymbiform arrays, compact or branches long and spreading, densely hairy throughout. Peduncles 3-15 mm, strigillose-canescent, bracteoles 1-3, linear-lanceolate. Involucres campanulate, 6-8 mm. Phyllaries in 3-4 series, unequal, oblong, conspicuously striate (3-5 pronounced nerves), obtuse. Ray florets 6-13; laminae 1.4-5.4 × 1.2-1.9 mm. Disc florets 14-35; corollas 4.3-6.1 mm, lobes 0.6-1.1 mm. Cypselae (obconic) 0.8-1.7 mm (ribbed), glabrous or strigillose apically; pappi 3-4 mm.

Solidago rigida is divided into three subspecies with distinct morphologies and partially overlapping ranges. Intermediates occur between the subspecies in areas of sympatry.

Plants 2.5-15 dm from a stout branched caudex; herbage densely pubescent with short spreading hairs, varying to subglabrous; lvs basally disposed, firm, slightly toothed or entire, the larger ones with elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or broadly lanceolate to broadly ovate, rounded to acutish blade 6-25נ2-10 cm, often exceeded by the long petiole; middle cauline lvs sessile or nearly so, 2-6 times as long as wide; infl dense, corymbiform, 5-25 cm wide; heads relatively large, the disk 5-10 mm wide; invol 5-9 mm, glabrous or puberulent, its bracts firm, broadly rounded, conspicuously striate; rays 7-14, 3-5 mm; disk-fls 17-35; achenes turgid or angular, 10-20-nerved; 2n=18, 36. Prairies and other dry, open places, especially in sandy soil; R.I., Conn., w. Mass., and N.Y. to Ga., w. to Alta. and N.M., more common westward. (Oligoneuron r.) Three vars.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image
Solidago rigida image