Cryptantha virginensis (M.E. Jones) Payson
Family: Boraginaceae
Virgin River cryptantha,  more...
[Krynitzkia glomerata var. virginensis ,  more...]
Cryptantha virginensis image
Gary A. Monroe  

Plant: Annual to short-lived Perennial 10-40 cm; caudex not woody; stem simple, erect, downy-hairy under densely spreading, ± stiff hairs

Leaves: 2-12 cm, simple, entire, oblanceolate to spoon-shaped, strigose to tomentose and bulbous-based bristly; basal whorled; cauline generally opposite below, alternate above

INFLORESCENCE: cymes, dense, generally cylindric, generally elongated in fruit

Flowers: sepals free, 3-5 mm, 5-11 mm in fruit, densely bristly; corolla generally white, tube 3-5 mm, limb 5-10 mm wide, appendages yellow

Fruit: Fruit: nutlets 1-4, 2.5-4.5 mm, ovate, back rough, generally ridged down middle, groove on inside surface open, edges elevated

Misc: Loose soils; 1900-3100 m.; Apr-Jun

Cryptantha virginensis image
Gary A. Monroe  
Cryptantha virginensis image
Gary A. Monroe  
Cryptantha virginensis image
Gary A. Monroe