Senecio integerrimus Nutt.
Family: Asteraceae
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Senecio integerrimus image

Perennials (possibly biennials), (10-)20-70 cm (cau­dices button­like, roots fleshy-fibrous). Herbage arachnose, loosely tomentose, or villous (hairs crisped, jointed), glabrescent. Stems single. Leaves progressively reduced distally; ± petiolate; blades elliptic, lanceolate, linear, oblanceolate, rounded-deltate, or suborbiculate, 6-25 × 1-6 cm, bases ± tapered or truncate to cordate, margins entire or ± dentate (distal leaves sessile, bractlike). Heads 6-20(-40+) in corymbiform arrays (peduncle of terminal head often shorter than others). Calyculi of 1-5+ linear to filiform bractlets (seldom more than 2 mm). Phyllaries usually ± 13 or ± 21, rarely ± 8, (4-)5-12(-15) mm, tips usually black, sometimes green. Ray florets usually ± 8 or ± 13, sometimes 0; corolla laminae 6-15(-20) mm (usually yellow, ochroleucous to white in one variety). Cypselae usually glabrous, sometimes hirtellous (mostly on angles). 2n = 40, 80.

The varieties of Senecio integerrimus are distinguished by morphology and geography.

Stout, single-stemmed, fibrous-rooted perennial 2.5-7 dm from a very short, erect caudex or crown, villous or hirsute with crisp loose hairs when young, commonly nearly glabrous by flowering time; lvs entire, denticulate, or sometimes irregularly dentate, the basal mostly oblanceolate or elliptic and short-petiolate, 8-25 cm (petiole included) נ1-5 cm; cauline lvs progressively reduced, becoming sessile; heads 5-25 in a rather congested infl, the terminal peduncle often shorter and thicker than the others; disk 8-17 mm wide; invol 5-10 mm, its bracts often minutely and irregularly black-tipped; rays 6-10 mm; achenes glabrous; 2n=40. Prairies and other open places; Sask., Minn., and Io., w. to B.C. and Calif. Apr.-June. Our plants are var. integerrimus.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Senecio integerrimus image
Senecio integerrimus image
Senecio integerrimus image
Senecio integerrimus image
Senecio integerrimus image
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Gary A. Monroe  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Barry Breckling  
Senecio integerrimus image
Gary A. Monroe  
Senecio integerrimus image
Dean Wm. Taylor