Solanum ptychanthum Dunal (redirected from: Solanum ptycanthum)
Family: Solanaceae
[Solanum ptycanthum Dunal]
Solanum ptychanthum image
Illinois Wildflowers  
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Infrequent throughout the state. Sometimes frequent to common in woods pastures. Ordinarily the plant is not grazed but when it is eaten in sufficient quantity, it proves fatal. Sheep are frequently killed by it. It is found in open woods, pastures, fallow and cultivated fields and along roadsides and railroads. The berries are poisonous and there are records where death of children resulted from the eating of the fruit.

Solanum ptychanthum image
Illinois Wildflowers  
Solanum ptychanthum image
Illinois Wildflowers  
Solanum ptychanthum image
Illinois Wildflowers