Trifolium campestre Schreb.
Family: Fabaceae
field clover,  more...
[Trifolium campestre var. minus (W.D.J. Koch) Kozuharov,  more...]
Trifolium campestre image
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Probably infrequent throughout the state along roadsides and railroads and in pastures, open woodland, waste places, and fallow fields.

Annual, much-branched, 1-4 dm, the stem pubescent; petioles 8-12 mm, twice as long as the obliquely ovate stipules; lfls oblong-obovate, 8-15 mm, the terminal one on a stalk 1-3 mm; heads globose to short-cylindric, 8-15 mm, compact, with usually 20-30 fls; fls 3.5-5 mm; cal as in no. 15 [Trifolium aureum Pollich]; cor yellow, the standard obovate, with 5 conspicuous diagonal veins on each side, much exceeding the spoon-shaped, slightly divergent wings; 2n=14. Native of Eurasia and n. Afr., established as a weed along roadsides and in waste places throughout much of N. Amer. May-Sept. (T. procumbens, a rejected name)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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