Thaspium pinnatifidum (Buckley) A. Gray (redirected from: Zizia pinnatifida)
Family: Apiaceae
[Zizia pinnatifida ]
not available

Stems to 8 dm, minutely puberulent at the nodes; basal and principal cauline lvs twice pinnate or ternate-pinnate; lfls 1-3 cm, deeply lobed or divided into linear or narrowly oblong segments; umbels 2-5 cm wide; bractlets narrowly linear, attenuate, 3-6 mm, mostly longer than the pedicels; fls yellow; fr ±puberulent, ellipsoid, 3-4 mm, narrowly winged; 2n=22. Mt. woods; N.C., Tenn., s. Va., and Ky., and rep from sw. O. June.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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