Cirsium horridulum Michx. (redirected from: Cirsium chrismarii)
Family: Asteraceae
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Cirsium horridulum image
Jeffrey S. Pippen,  

Biennials or perennials, (± fleshy), 15-250 cm; stout taproots and a fascicle of fleshy lateral roots, often perennating by root sprouts. Stems 1-several, usually erect, often stout, glabrous to densely tomentose; branches 0-many, spreading to ascending, short, stout. Leaves: blades linear to oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic, 10-40 × 2-10 cm, unlobed and spiny-dentate to deeply pinnatifid, lobes spiny-dentate or coarsely lobed, main spines stout, 5-30 mm, abaxial faces subglabrous to loosely tomentose, adaxial glabrous to ± densely villous with septate trichomes; basal present at flowering, spiny winged-petiolate, bases often tapered; principal cauline sessile, well distributed, often not much reduced distally, bases often ± auriculate-clasping; distal cauline often spinier than the proximal. Heads 1-20 in subcapitate to corymbiform arrays (each closely subtended by an involucre-like ring of spiny-margined bracts). Peduncles 0-5 cm. Involucres hemispheric to campanulate, 3-5 × 3-8 cm. Phyllaries in 5-9 series, subequal to imbricate, light green to stramineous, lanceolate to linear, distally often with reddish margins, abaxial faces without glutinous ridge, often ± thinly tomentose, often scabridulous in submarginal bands; outer and middle appressed-ascending, bodies usually reddish-tinged, margins setulose-ciliolate, apices acuminate, spines 1-2 mm, weak; apices of inner straight, flat. Corollas white to yellow, pink, purple, or red, 30-47 mm, tubes 11-30 mm, throats 6-10 mm, lobes 7-10 mm; style tips 3-5 mm. Cypselae straw-colored to tan, 4-6 mm, apical collars weakly differentiated; pappi 25-35 mm. 2n = 32, 33, 34, 35.

Although several variants have been given taxonomic recognition as species, these seem at most races. Flower color varies greatly, sometimes within populations and sometimes on a populational or regional basis. Herbarium specimens are sometimes difficult to assign to variety.

Stout biennial 2-15 dm, simple or with short, stout, ascending, peduncle-like branches, some of the roots commonly fleshy-thickened; herbage thinly tomentose and eventually generally glabrate, or the lvs merely arachnoid and glabrate; lvs strongly spiny, broad and pinnatifid to seldom narrow and merely spiny-toothed, the largest ones at or near the base; heads light yellow or white to lavender or purple, several or solitary, each subtended by a number of narrow, erect, strongly spiny, reduced lvs; invol (2.5-)3-5 cm, the outer bracts with erect spine-tip, the inner merely attenuate, all with modified, shortly scabrous or scabrous-ciliate margin; achenes 4-6 mm; 2n=32, 34. Open places, especially in sandy soil or along salt or fresh marshes; coastal states (and Pa.) from Me. to Fla. and Tex.; Mex. May-Aug. (C. spinosissimum) Ours are the widespread var. horridulum.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Cirsium horridulum image
Jeffrey S. Pippen,  
Cirsium horridulum image
Ted Bodner @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Miller, J.H. and K.V. Miller. 2005. Forest plants of the...  
Cirsium horridulum image
Jeffrey S. Pippen,  
Cirsium horridulum image
Plant Resources Center of the University of Texas at Austin  
Cirsium horridulum image
Jeffrey S. Pippen,  
Cirsium horridulum image
Michaux, Andre. Flora boreali-american :sistens caracteres plantarum quas in America septentrionali  
Cirsium horridulum image
Walter, Thomas. Flora caroliniana: secundum systema vegetabilium perillustris Linnaei digesta... p  
Cirsium horridulum image
Steve Hurst @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database  
Cirsium horridulum image
Britton, Nathaniel Lord and Addison Brown. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Cana  
Cirsium horridulum image
David Hilgeman