Cleoserrata speciosa (Raf.) H.H. Iltis (redirected from: Cleome gigantea)
Family: Cleomaceae
[Cleome gigantea ,  more...]
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  

Plants 50-150 cm. Stems unbranched or sparsely branched ; (fluted), glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent. Leaves: petiole 2-12 cm ,(glandular-pubescent); leaflets 5-9, blade narrowly lanceolate-elliptic, 6-15 × 1-5 cm, margins entire or serrulate, apex subobtuse, surfaces glabrate to glandular-pubescent. Racemes 15-50 cm (20-60 cm in fruit, glandular-pubescent); bracts unifoliate, ovate-cordate, 3-18 mm. Pedicels 10-50 mm, (glabrous). Flowers: sepals persistent, green, lanceolate, 4-7 × 0.8-1.2 mm, glandular-pubescent; petals usually brilliant pink to purple, fading to pink or white, rarely initially white, ovate, 15-42 × 8-11 mm, clawed; stamens green, 40-85 mm, (filaments adnate to gynophore 1/3-1/2 of length); anthers 6-10 mm; gynophore 30-85 mm in fruit (filament scars visible ca. 1/4 of length); ovary 6-10 mm; style 1-1.2 mm. Capsules (irregularly contracted between seeds) 60-150 × 3-5 mm. Seeds pale green to brown, 2.5-3.5 × 1-1.2 mm, tuberculate. 2n = 48.

Flowering summer. Disturbed roadsides, vacant lots; 0-50 m; introduced; Fla.; Mexico; West Indies; Central America; South America.

Cleoserrata speciosa is widespread horticulturally (with white-flowered plants not uncommon). It strongly resembles Tarenaya hassleriana (Cleome hassleriana) to the untrained eye (W. R. Ernst 1963b); considering its unique floral morphology and cytology, it remains difficult to place.

Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Cleoserrata speciosa image
Kurt Stueber