Robinia pseudoacacia L. (redirected from: Robinia pseudacacia)
Family: Fabaceae
[Robinia pringlei ,  more...]
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Vicky Sawyer  
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

This species has been freely planted since pioneer times and has escaped in all parts of the state. It was, no doubt, a native in the southeastern part of the state near the Ohio River.

Tree to 25 m, the twigs and peduncles puberulent, becoming subglabrous; stipules commonly modified into spines 1 cm; lfls 7-19, oval or elliptic, 2-4 cm; racemes drooping, many-fld, 1-2 dm; fls white, fragrant, 1.5-2.5 cm; cal finely hairy, the upper lip truncate or broadly notched; ovary glabrous; fr 5-10 cm; 2n=20. Native from Pa. and s. Ind. to Okla., s. to Ga. and Ala., and often escaped from cult. n. to N.S. and Que. May, June.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Robinia pseudoacacia image
Vicky Sawyer  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Robinia pseudoacacia image
Vicky Sawyer  
Robinia pseudoacacia image