Cassytha filiformis L. (redirected from: Cassytha americana)
Family: Lauraceae
[Cassytha americana ]
Cassytha filiformis image

Stems twining, pale green to yellow-green to orange, filiform, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves alternate, ca. 1 mm. Inflorescences spikes, rarely reduced to single flower. Flowers bisexual, subtended by ciliate bract and bracteoles; outer 3 tepals 0.1-1 mm, similar to bracteoles, inner 3 tepals 1-1.8 mm, apex incurved; pistil 1.2 mm, glabrous. Drupe to 7 mm diam. 2 n = 48.

Flowering spring-summer (May-Jul). Coastal vegetation; 0-20 m; Fla.

Cassytha filiformis is a very distinctive plant that can be confused only with Cuscuta , a vining parasite of the Cuscutaceae.

Cassytha filiformis image
Cassytha filiformis image
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Cassytha filiformis image
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Cassytha filiformis image