Houstonia serpyllifolia Michx. (redirected from: Hedyotis serpyllifolia)
Family: Rubiaceae
[Hedyotis michauxii Fosberg,  more...]
not available

Perennial; stems prostrate, diffusely branched, elongate, rooting at the nodes, 1-2 dm, glabrous; lvs ovate to orbicular, 3-7 mm, abruptly rounded or broadly cuneate at base, short-petioled; fls heterostylic, solitary on peduncles 1-4 cm, terminal or from the upper axils; sep oblong, obtuse, 1-2 mm; cor blue-violet with a light yellow eye, salverform, the tube hairy within, the limb 10-14 mm wide, the lobes usually longer than the tube; stamens included; fr didymous-flattened, 4-5 mm wide; seeds of no. 7 [Hedyotis caerulea (L.) Hook.]; 2n=16. Moist soil in the mts.; Pa. to Ga. May, June. (Houstonia serpyllifolia)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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