Gentianella wislizeni (Engelm.) J. Gillett (redirected from: Gentianella wislizenii)
Family: Gentianaceae
[Gentiana wislizeni Engelm.,  more...]
Gentianella wislizeni image
© 2013 Wynn Anderson  

Plant: annual herb; 3-40 cm tall; STEMS rectangular, branched

Leaves: LEAVES basal leaves oblanceolate, petiolate, soon withering; cauline leaves ovate, somewhat clasping, 1-4 cm long, gradually reduced above

INFLORESCENCE: compound umbellate cymes

Flowers: 4-5-parted, 8-14 mm long, nearly sessile or on long pedicels, in compound umbellate cymes; calyx 2-5 mm long, split along 1 side forming a spathaceous sheath with 4-5 minute teeth along the rim; corolla white or pale lavender, tubular, the tube 6-10 mm long, the lobes 2-4 mm long, with or without coronal hairs; stamens included; pistil sessile or very short-stipitate, cylindric or fusiform

Fruit: a capsule usually slightly exceeding the marcescent corolla. SEEDS smooth to papillose, globose to slightly flattened

Misc: Pine-oak and mixed coniferous forests; 2450-2950 m (8000-9600 ft)

REFERENCES: Mason, Charles T. 1998 Gentianaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 30(2): 84.

Gentianella wislizeni image
© 2013 Wynn Anderson  
Gentianella wislizeni image
© 2013 Wynn Anderson